The 2025 Friends of Gedling House Woods calendar is available to order now.
As a bonus for our membership the price is £1 less for members. To order the new calendar, please complete the form below.

The calendars are each £5 for members / £6 non-members (plus £2 postage and packaging if you live outside of Gedling). Local orders in Gedling can be dropped off once paid for.
Please enter your details below and make your payment via BACS direct to the FGHW bank account, the details of which are:
Name: Friends of Gedling House Woods
Sort Code: 30-96-18
Account number: 03921776
£5 per calendar for members. £6 per calendar for non-members
(optional £2 postage for those outside of Gedling)
Andy will then post or deliver the calendar(s) to you.